Student Parking Information
Junior and Senior students who wish to drive to school and park a vehicle on campus are required to purchase a parking hanger for the 2024-2025 school year. The use of a parking hanger is a privilege and may be revoked at any time at the discretion of an administrator.
To be considered for a parking space at Oak Ridge High School, You will need to download, print the parking application form and have it signed by a parent/guardian (This form will also be available in 5-111 and the front office). The student parking contract will need to be completed in its entirety. The cost of parking hangers is $50, and payments must be made Here on School Pay.
If you have any questions, please contact Dean Wider in 5-111.
Your parking decal number is the only number you may use for your vehicle and assigned parking space.
Please Note: The contract requires a copy of your driver’s license (not learner’s permit), vehicle registration and a copy of your payment confirmation.
Rules and requirements for the purchase of and maintaining a parking hanger at Oak Ridge High School:
· Must be a JUNIOR or SENIOR registered at Oak Ridge High School
· CAR REGISTRATION: must be registered in the name of parent, guardian, or self.
· PROOF OF INSURANCE: must be current, not expired.
· PAYMENT ON WWW.SCHOOLPAY.COM (Screenshot or Print Confirmation)
a. The cost of the parking hanger is $50.
· Report lost or stolen parking hangers to ORHS administration. The cost of a replacement hanger is $10.
Student Parking Expectations for the purchase of and maintaining a parking permit at Oak Ridge High School:
1. I acknowledge that my parking pass will be revoked if I accumulate 15 or more unexcused absences (Single class absences (skipping) included)
o Previous year attendance will determine if students are eligible for a parking pass.
o If you had 15 or more unexcused absences in the previous year Semester 2, you must demonstrate 30 consecutive days of attendance to qualify for a parking pass in the current school year.
2. I acknowledge that to buy a parking pass for 2024-2024 school year I must have and maintain a cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.0 or higher.
o Grades will be checked at every progress report and end of each quarter. If you don’t meet the expectations at that time, parking decal will be temporarily revoked until the next checkpoint.
3. Must have signed OCPS student code of conduct.
4. Must follow all traffic signs and rules of the road and ORHS.
5. No level 3 or 4 discipline offenses for the current year.
6. Financial obligations cleared.
7. The parking contract must be filled out completely by your parents/guardian and yourself.
8. If a student must forfeit their parking decal or withdraw during the school year, Oak Ridge will NOT refund the cost of the purchase.
9. Cars are not lockers! Students are not able to access their vehicle during the day.
10. Students are only allowed to park in the designated student parking lot in their designated parking space. NO EXCEPTIONS! Students parking in a space not assigned to them and parking in an unauthorized area are subject to towing.
11. Any student who uses their vehicle for unauthorized departure from campus or to transport another student off campus without proper authorization is in violation of school policy. In addition to disciplinary action, the student will be subject to the following: 1st Offense- 10-day loss of hanger 2nd offense- forfeiture of hanger.
12. While on campus, parking hangers must be displayed from the rear-view mirror and be fully visible. Failure to do so will result in the following:
1st Offense- warning 2nd Offense- 5-day loss of hanger 3rd offense- 10-day loss of hanger 4th Offense- forfeiture of hanger
13. Students who park their vehicle on campus without a parking hanger will be towed at the owner's expense.
I agree that it is a PRIVILEDGE, not a right, to have a decal, drive, or park on campus. I agree that if I fail to comply with any SBOC or school policy, regulation, rule, and/or the conditions contained in this application, my decal and parking privilege may be immediately revoked.
I agree the decal is non-transferable and cannot be sold to, or shared with, any other student, person, or entity.
I agree to comply with all OCPS/ORHS, local and state traffic regulations and laws while operating any motorized vehicle on SBOC property. I understand that parking in any unauthorized area, hereinss or dangerous driving, speeding, or any other violation or noncompliance of any provision contained herein, may result in immediate suspension or revocation of the decal and parking privilege. School administration reserves the right to impose disciplinary sanctions for flagrant and/or persistent violations of this Agreement.
I agree that the decal I am issued, and the parking place use shall remain the property of OCPS/ORHS. I agree I will not loiter or play loud or offensive music while in or about the vehicle while on school campus. I agree I will not park on any sidewalk, curb, or grassy area of the school campus or in any faculty parking area or parking space marked “Reserved.” If I am assigned a parking space, I agree that I will only park in a specific space on the school campus.
I agree that I am responsible for ALL contents contained within the vehicle.
I hereby give consent and authorize the OCPS/ORHS, its employees and agents and/or any law enforcement officer of any agency located within the State of Florida, to open and search any vehicle (and its contents) that I drive or park on school campus at any time, without prior notice or additional consent and without my knowledge or presence. This consent includes the use of animals, such as dogs, trained to detect weapons and drugs.
I understand that if I refuse to cooperate with the search of a vehicle pursuant to this agreement, OCPS/ORHS, its employees and agents may have the vehicle immediately towed or removed from the school campus at the owner’s expense according to SBOC policy.
I agree that the SBOC and its employees and agents, and any law enforcement personnel shall not be responsible and are released from liability for any theft, loss or damage to my property or vehicle while on any SBOC property, and I agree that the SBOC and all law enforcement agencies are hereby released and held harmless from all liability, claims, or damages, connected in any way with the search of a vehicle on an SBOC property, or the removal of a vehicle as provided above.