Parent and Family Engagement Plan

Parent and Family Engagement Plan 2024-2025

Condensed Version

Oak Ridge High School has adopted a mission that is consistent with that of Orange County Public Schools - to lead our students to success with the support and involvement of families and the community. The parental involvement program is designed to promote high academic achievement for all students regardless of socioeconomic background. Faculty and staff are dedicated to ensuring that we encourage and empower the school's most valuable stakeholders, parents and students, by providing the necessary tools and resources to prepare individual students for success in college, career, and life.

The Title I Facilitator at Oak Ridge High School will work collaboratively with the School Advisory Council (SAC) to plan, review, and improve the Parental Involvement Plan and other school programs. Parents will be able to regularly communicate concerns or make requests via the school website, school social media, and email, feedback/suggestion forms available in the office, PTSA meetings or SAC meetings.  Parents will be able to conveniently access Title I information in the Title I section of the school website or the front office.

Conferences: Parents will be provided with multiple opportunities to conference with teachers in order to provide as much flexibility as possible. 

Title I Annual Meeting: The Title I Annual Meeting was held virtually in October 2021. Parents are encouraged to attend monthly PTSA and SAC meetings to give them an opportunity to discuss parental involvement activities and school events.

The school will inform parents of vital information during the Title I Annual Meeting in October. During the meeting, parents will be informed about the Parental Involvement Plan, curriculum and digital curriculum, the Title I ATS afterschool tutoring program, how students are assessed, and how student progress and proficiency are determined. Parents will also be informed of Parental Involvement, SAC and PTSA meetings wherein they may have opportunities to make suggestions or participate in crucial decisions that impact student achievement.

All parental involvement activities that include written notification will be communicated in the home languages that reflect the school's student population. This includes correspondence that has been issued from the school and from the district. All aforementioned activities will include accommodations and support, as needed, for families of students with disabilities. Furthermore, there are staff members’ onsite who will be able to translate and communicate important information to parents with limited English proficiency.

If you would like a full copy of the plan it can be located on our website @ under the Parents tab, or you can contact the school and we will provide a hard copy for you.

700 West Oak Ridge Orlando, FL 32809 Phone 407-852-3200 Fax 407-852-3222


"The  Orange County Public School Board is an equal opportunity agency.