Vision Statement
The Game Design Magnet Program provides sound academic preparation for high school, college, and beyond while affording valuable career readiness experiences in the fields of gaming, simulation, and animation. Students will be immersed in a rigorous academic core curriculum coupled with a variety of career-relevant electives. The curriculum is complemented by student involvement in real-world work experiences such as career-site field trips, industry professional talks, mentor programs, and job opportunities.
Academic Overview
The Oak Ridge High School Game Design Magnet program offers a rigorous academic program that allows all students access and opportunity to take real-world computer science-focused elective courses.
The program is designed to develop advanced skills in the areas of gaming, simulation, and animation using industry-level software and applications. In addition to a unique and specialized curriculum, 21st-century technology tools are integrated into all curricular areas, giving students an enhanced educational experience that supports student achievement.
The Oak Ridge High School Game Design Magnet program offers a unique approach to basic principles of gaming, game testing, utilizing gaming in real-world applications, 3-D rendered models, 3-D animations, and portfolio creation as a final product. Gaming Magnet students become well-versed in industry-level game production pipelines and focus on game creation.
Be a part of a program where students…
- Have access to industry-level computer labs before, during, and after school
- Use mobile technology - all classrooms have access to laptop computers
- Share a thirst for all knowledge, especially in the field of gaming and technology
- Use industry-level technology as an everyday tool for learning
- Collaborate within a game design team to create and present game ideas and collaborative projects
- Work on CTE level curriculum to gain an Orange Technical College Career Certificate (after full program completion)
- Research and develop technological solutions to societal and accessibility problems
- Conceive, market, and create their own video games
Requirements for Admission
1. Complete the online OCPS Magnet application before the start of the academic school year
2. Complete the online or on-campus orientation
3. Be in good academic standing before admittance to the program
All applicants are expected to meet the overall standards of Oak Ridge High School and Orange County Public Schools, as well as exhibit the exemplary behavior associated with involvement in a rigorous academic program.
Is the Digital Media and Gaming Magnet Program Right For You?
Do you like....
- Playing video games and want to know how they are made?
- Solving Problems?
- Developing video games?
- Designing and developing game characters?
- Talking about video games?
- Creating animations?
- Learning through hands-on experiences?
- Using technology to express and publish your ideas?
- Using technology as a problem-solving tool?
- Learning about how designers use game engines?
- How 3-D models and animation are produced?
- Being in a classroom full of like-minded people?
Benefits of the Program
Students who participate in the Digital Media and Gaming Magnet Program will have the opportunity to experience or receive the following:
• Classroom and enrichment activities
• Career related extra-curricular activities
• Graduating from the program with multiple industry certifications
• Field trip opportunities and site visits
• An industry-level portfolio
• Credits towards Valencia College Bridge Program
• Scholarships Opportunities
Software and Applications
Students will have access to the following industry-level tools:
For more information about the Gaming Magnet contact:
Jonathan Curras
[email protected]